“For whatever we lose (like a you or a me), it's always ourselves we find in the sea.”

– e. e. cummings
Illustration of bull kelps

Blue Carbon Initiatives

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, “blue carbon” is the term for carbon captured by the world’s ocean and coastal ecosystems. For example, kelp forests can sequester 10x more carbon per acre than land-based forests, and in total, 50x more carbon is stored in the world’s oceans than the atmosphere. This makes marine ecosystems one of humanity’s most effective tools in the fight against climate change.


Waterway Cleanup Projects

According to the Environmental Integrity Project, 55% of America’s lakes and 50% of its rivers and streams are so polluted that they do not meet standards for swimming and recreation, aquatic life, fish consumption, or as drinking water sources. The Blue Eden Foundation is focused on funding both research and in-field technology to help American farmers control run-off and protect our waterways.

On Grants
  • The Blue Eden Foundation follows the US government “grant lifecycle” where the timeline for a respective grant is organized into three phases.
  • Pre-Award Phase: Funding opportunities and application review
  • Award Phase: Award decisions and notifications
  • Post-Award Phase: Implementation, reporting, and closeout
Internal Initiatives
  • The Blue Eden Foundation is currently focused on an internal initiative to create multiple-use Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) which create green jobs while producing profits that allow us to re-invest into scaling our efforts and accomplishing our mission.
On Non-Profit Sustainability
  • Modern charitable organizations need to raise as much capital as possible in order to scale their impact, but drumming up donations is expensive because non-profits need to compete for donors’ attention and funds alongside for-profit businesses. Yet, non-profits are rated as successful based on their ability to limit “overhead costs.”
  • The Blue Eden Foundation believes that maximizing positive impact while minimizing negative externalities and inefficiency is all that matters as we pursue our mission. In order to maximize our efficacy, we are actively experimenting with hybrid for-profit / non-profit business models and looking to collaborate with other organizations who are doing the same.
Illustration of a group of turtle grass plants

Interested in working with us?

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Illustration of sea-plants